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Slowly she dropped the veil from her face. The silk slid over her features, revealing her full, swollen lips, the sharp angle of her jaw. Feathers adorned her dark auburn hair, mated with beads and flowers. The tumbling mess fell to her waist in curls and waves. Her lover pushed wayward tendrils from her pale face. She turned her head, and placed gentle kisses on the insides of his palms. She could swear to tasting his pulse against her tongue as it darted over his wrist, the salt of his sweat bitter on her lips. He groaned quietly, a plaintive plea intelligible in any language. She slid her fingers to his vest, pushing it off his shoulders with a seductive purr. He laughed at her, mocking her, challenging her. Rising to his contest, she slid the floating white silk off her shoulders. Arousal, not chill, caused her dusky nipples to stand proudly erect, her firm breasts revealed to him amidst a hundred people. She knew she should feel ashamed, at least a little modest…but she didn’t.. And Susan, ever the encyclopedia, pointed out actions that had been common place in the time of the first heroes, and were even employed by some of the more brazen current day heroes, that were generally not part of the official reports. She said that modern heroes tended to follow literary chivalric codes rather than the historical actions of true medieval knights, and since the civilization on Chaos had been transported lock stock, and barrel from Earth in the 1200s there was historical precedence for some actions even though they were officially frowned upon. The portals were the final judge of the matter, but the popularity of heroes in the Cassandra media needed to be taken into consideration.Susan also stressed that many behaviors of modern heroes would have been seen as uncivilized back in the day. Modern armies no longer lined up and faced each other in the open. Deception and subterfuge were the norm now. 'Do unto others with good intentions, and don't get caught if you have.
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